Texto e fotos do excelente blog: http://opulentiamonachicus.blogspot.com/
Essas fotos foram tiradas durante a Divina Liturgia, da solenidade da Natividade de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo, na capela Nossa Senhora da Anunciação, paróquia pessoal dos Católicos Russos, de Rito Bizantino.
Essa capela é a unica no Brasil destinada aos russos que professam a religião Católica.
A Igreja Russa, é um grande exemplo da correta inculturação dentro da liturgia, como por exemplo, o bom uso da lingua vernácula (o eslavônio), e dos ícones russos.
Procissão do Evangelho
Comunhão dos fiéis
Benção da agua
Por quê o azul nas alfaias?
ResponderExcluirNo rito bizantino, não há um código estrito de cores litúrgicas, que são usadas mais por costumes locais ou por antigas tradições, do que por rubricas. Ademais, o sacerdote pode usar outras cores que ressaltem o esplendor.
ResponderExcluirObrigado pelo esclarecimento. Esse seminarista na foto é meu amigo!
ResponderExcluirOlá a todos
ResponderExcluirAgradeço pela divulgação das fotos do meu blog.
Quero avisar aos visitantes que por motivos tecnicos, o blog esta desatualizado e estou em outro endereço tratando também de assuntos sobre liturgia: www.monachicus.blogspot.com . Claro, no meu espaço não deixo de divulgar o belo apostolado de vocês!
Parabéns por essa bela iniciativa! Deus os abençõe por esse pio empenho. Apenas gostaria de comentar algo, no uso liturgico russo, usa-se por língua liturgica o eslavônico (paleo-eslavo), a qual não é uma língua vernácula...Por concessão do Papa Adriano II(868 dC), foi aprovada a sua inclusão como língua liturgica (eslavo-eclesiástico), ocorrendo então por obra dos Santos Cirilo e Metódio e seus discípulos, a tradução da Sagrada Escritura, obras teológicas e textos liturgicos... Foi a língua liturgica dos católicos-romanos da Croácia até o Concílio Vaticano II. Também aproveito para dizer que os ícones usados na Igreja Russa são bizantinos, independente da escola iconográfica que venha a seguir o iconógrafo... Abraço, Fábio
ResponderExcluirAonde fica essa capela, aqui no RJ? Alguém sabe quais igrejas ortodoxas existem aqui no RJ, eu procuro e não acho! Preciso fazer um trabalho sobre isso, preciso de vídeos e tal, se puderem, mandem um email com os dados das paróquias/ capelas e os endereços por favor! gabriel.ecclesia@gmail.com
ResponderExcluirPrezados amigos,
ResponderExcluira comunidade mantenedora da 'igrejinha dos russos", em São Paulo, ha alguns anos desenvolvia conversações com representantes da Igreja Ortodoxa Russa, para que a comunidade fosse integrada ao corpo desta igreja.
Foi destituido o vinculo com a Igreja Catolica Romana, e já neste ano de 2013 esta paroquia ja realizou Divinas Liturgias celebradas por clerigos do Patriarcado de Moscou(a cada primeiro domingo de cada mês, desde Agosto) no Brasil.
Neste proximo Domingo, dia 06 de Outubro, os clerigos da igreja ortodoxa russa Santa Mártir Zenaide vão celebrar a Divina Liturgia neste templo. A partir de Janeiro, o Rev.Presbitero Dionisio, vai servir de forma fixa a esta comunidade, como seu paroco.
No amor de Cristo,
Diácono Marcelo (Paiva).
ResponderExcluirWhen I speak, I want the whole world to hear my words. So, I must raise up a special son who hears my words and proclaims my words to all mankind. This will be a special time when my words pour out like a mighty ocean, flowing directly from my Immaculate Heart.
Only these words will save the world. They will cast out the darkness, point out the failures of those who lead the world, encourage the good in all their efforts and, most important, reveal the paths to peace.
What a time that will be! By then, the war between myself and Satan will have broken out for all to see. I will no longer be on the sidelines. He, in his daring, will set aside his disguises and allow himself to be seen by all (what foolish pride).
The great battle will be played out in the sight of all, but with this difference. My powers will no longer be restricted. Russia will have been consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, just in time for the victory that I have promised.
All my words and all my promises will become clear. All the gifts that I have promised will flow forth, able to be received if the person’s heart so desires. Not all will take advantage of my gifts but every person will be able to receive. I will speak more about this consecration.
Comment: Our Lady has promised that Russia would be consecrated but that it would be late.
ayers and sacrifices.
ResponderExcluirAUG174. The Stirring in Russian HeartsWhen Russia Is Consecrated
When Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, there will be a stirring in the hearts of all, but especially in the souls of the Russian people. They will receive an inner light and will understand what forces of evil were planted in their nation by Satan’s instruments.
As their hearts are stirred, more and more light will fill them. They will reject both what has been forced upon them and what, to some degree, they themselves have chosen. All of these evils have formed their nation and their leaders into instruments of darkness, death and destruction. In this new stirring, they will fully reject what they have become and what they had been forced to accept.
This stirring will grow greater as it manifests itself in outward demonstrations of a growing desire to return to its religious roots and, especially, to return to their devotion of my Immaculate Heart.
No one will be able to stop this movement because their nation will have been specifically consecrated by the Holy Father and by all the Catholic bishops of the world. I have put my seal of promise upon this act of Consecration, and the graces flowing from it will not be turned back. Even though the most frightful opposition will arise, the stirring in the hearts of the Russian people for this new light will not be turned back.
Comment: Our Lady begins to sketch out the new Russia, formed by the special graces still hidden and locked in her Immaculate Heart.
ResponderExcluirAUG173. A New Culture of PeaceWhen Russia Is Consecrated
After the Consecration of Russia, the beginning gift will be a conversion of hearts of those who control the nations. New ideas of peace initiatives will surface. World leaders will see that peace is in their self-interest. They should have seen this earlier but were blinded by Satan. Nations will move to true peace agreements, not the false pieces of paper they now call treaties.
The hearts of the people will move in the same directions. The hunger for war and the use of weapons to gain natural interests will be seen as outmoded ideas, the products of the past, foolish concepts that have no life in this new thinking.
The wisdom of true peace that was set aside in the selfish pursuits will regain its rightful place. Peace will be a constant, powerful light, set upon the lampstand. Even those whose hearts are not touched will be forced to walk on this new path by the power of the new culture of peace.
Comment: The world has a spirit of war and self-interest. The consecration of Russia will change individual hearts and create a new culture of peace.
ResponderExcluirAUG185. The Overcoming of SeparationWhen Russia Is Consecrated
I will place such great gifts in the hearts of the Russian people that they will not be satisfied with superficial changes. Instead, they will wipe away the divisions of the centuries.
They will realize that I have released an ocean of graces which have changed their darkness into light. They will realize that they have been freed from the past century of diabolical control. They will also know that this great gift has come through the consecration of Russia made by the Holy Father in communion with all the bishops in the world.
They will begin to question why they are separated from the Holy Father. Would all of this darkness have fallen if there had been no division? They will cry out for unity with Rome. This ocean will be so deep and so powerful that it will sweep away all opposition. The Russian people will overturn the centuries of division that have been forced upon them.
That is why the Holy Father and all the bishops must make this Consecration in a public way and must specifically mention Russia. The Russian people must know the source of the gift. This is also why I wait and wait, even though the Holy Father delays. I must have the Holy Father act in the name of the Catholic Church so the Russian people know that the Catholic Church has released this gift. In this way, they will desire and bring about union with the Catholic Church.
I unfold these revelations so all the world, especially the Church, can see what I intend and why I ask what I do.
Comment: For the first 1000 years, there was only one, united Catholic Church. In 1054, the Archbishop of Constantinople withdrew from this union with the pope. Thus began the division into Roman Catholic and Orthodox Catholic Churches, the great schism that lasts even today.